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Kevin Fristad

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

This morning I’m beating a dead horse - namely Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas. I referred to him yesterday but the story goes on. Admittedly he’s not a horse and he certainly isn’t dead, but you know what I mean.

Leonard Leo is a leader of The Federalist Society, an ultra right-wing think tank that came up with the names of potential Supreme Court judges that Donald Trump was directed to choose from in filling vacancies. That’s how we got Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett - a series of appointments that changed history.

Anyway, Leo was also associated with another group called the Judicial Education Project which lobbied for conservative causes. So about 10 years ago he asked his friend Kellyanne Conway, who worked as a Republican pollster, to bill his group for services which were not rendered, and then pass the money on to Ginni Thomas, Clarence’s wife. Leo made sure to say to Kellyanne, “no mention of Ginni, of course”, in the paperwork.

Well, Conway transferred the money and then lo and behold, when the Judicial Education Project filed a brief with the high court in the landmark case, Shelby County vs. Holder, Clarence Thomas was one of the 5 justices who voted to gut the 1965 Voting Rights Act, thereby giving Leonard Leo exactly what he was looking for.

Money talks....even at the Supreme Court.

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May 10, 2023

Quoting Christopher titus ,

The Government hasn't changed anything. The government has Only changed the names ....when we say war mongers, it's now called Republicans. When you say Democrats it is now known as pussies.


May 06, 2023

I’ve long been a fan of Czech artist David Černý (Pink Tank and others, (, but my favorite is his “dead horse” sculpture, a parody of the statue of St. Wenceslas on Wenceslas Square in Prague:


Leonard Leo and the rest of the Federalist Society Cowboys still believe that dead horses are effective means of transportation to trample roughshod over US citizens’ rights to corral the Constitution.

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